Monday, November 21, 2011

Almost Home!

Almost Home

I John 3:2

Long and hot shines the sun, draining my strength away.

All toil no rest, can even one suggest, as this seems our constant pay,

That as each one acts, has not been a fact upon any given day.

But in this lies hope, I’m almost home come that month of May.

A heavy weight upon these shoulders with bricks held in these arms.

A mad exhaustion fills my chest, causing thoughts of despair as norm.

These pains never ceasing as only feel increasing amidst a constant storm.

But in this lies hope, I’m almost home, as I envision that golden shore.

Forever pounding upon these knees as duty calls every hour.

The pressure endured marching to meet the order creates strains matched only by Satan’s power.

With each mile before each step cannot ignore repetitive thrusts felt like a shower.

But in this lies hope, I’m almost home, seeing that field of flowers.

Anxious is the mind as it watches non-stop for the enemy’s attack.

A ready poise, tension ever-present, never knowing what’s at one’s back.

A thought pervades causing one to give up, let loose, turn around, look back.

But in this lies hope, I’m almost home, as I finish my race upon this track.

This too shall come to pass as that imminent day shall surely be,

When all work of sweat and blood comes to a halt with a new goal to be seen.

That finish line! What a site t’will be, as a special prize waits just for me.

I can see my hope, I’m almost home, as I seek my passage to lead me safely.

I’ve finally stepped ashore and see that I’m not alone in fear.

Greeted with fresh, loving faces of which I hold in my heart so dear.

One in particular holds my gaze now standing before me here.

This is my hope, I’m home!

To our soldiers in harm’s way.

Stay focused, stay strong, stay determined,

Marcus Twisdale

Worth It All!

Worth It All

A broken foot, a torn ACL, an arthritic shoulder, a paralyzed member

Are a few examples of what we face whether business man, pastor or military soldier.

This truth can make a day of endurance extremely long and hard.

But we shall all conquer our tasks as we are led by the Spirit’s strong arm.

A battle of the wills is what is faced with contempt every day.

Decisions must be made but oftentimes they’re much delayed.

Especially those ones that involve travel never taken in such a style

As to require persistence, discomfort or denial, until you see that golden rainbow

At the end of that long trekked mile.

Endurance, for a time, is what is vital when determining to stay the course.

Our eyes, at times, will waver by the choices we’ve made, not by force.

A thousand excuses we’ll have at hand, none of which will ever be enough.

The help we need comes only from the hills where dwells our Comforter of love.

So, we face each day not with ease but full confidence

That these hardships we encounter prepare us for our inheritance.

Unable to avoid these imminent facts of life as unpleasant as they may seem

We put our hands to the plow looking beyond to that future soon to be.

That day, soon to be, shall come when troubles shall all cease,

Sorrow shall be no more and our minds shall be at ease.

We all, who are in Christ Jesus, will then be perfect just like Him.

We’ll not toil, we’ll not struggle, we’ll not strive in a world so grim.

But for now this life creates strains nearly unbearable at times.

We don’t know what to think or do so our thoughts often rest on “Why?”

Our Comforter remains at our side to strengthen and lead us along.

So, don’t live in despair but remember He’s always there

To provide as He carries us on.

The pains we endure, the weakness with which we labor,

Shall all be a foreign theory as on that day we see our Savior.

Be not afraid to give your best as you serve because of His call.

For on that day which we long to see we’ll understand it was worth it all.

Because of Christ,

Marcus Twisdale

Safe Haven!

Safe Haven

In times like these it’s a blessing to know
That I have a Savior to Whom I can go. (Ps. 55:22/1Peter 5:7)
In His presence I’ll rest for all eternity
Because He has His loving arms wrapped around me. (John 10:28&29)

The future is a time I shall not fear.
For I know my LORD and my God is always near. (Ps. 145:18)
He holds me safe in His loving arms
Working plans of hope and not of harm. (Jer. 29:11)

I have put the Lord always before me.
Because of Him I shall not fall. (Ps. 16:8)
His hand of protection will keep me in safety
Working His will in my life no matter what may befall.

I shall praise the Lord my God
For all of His goodness and grace unto me. (Ps. 13:6)
I will thank Him for His loving-kindness
And of His mercies I shall sing. (Ps. 89:1)

I’ll put my faith in God no matter what’s at stake
Relying wholly upon Him alone and trusting fully in His grace. (2Cor. 12:9&10)
He is my God, my Savior and Lord.
In Him will I rest and trust forevermore.

Because of Christ’s love,

Mr. Anonymous

One Wish!

If I Had One Wish

If I had one wish to make

What would I do?

Perhaps I’d be in the Olympics

Paddling a canoe.

With strength of fury

In my arms,

Racing for the finish line,

I’d beat the others,

Just in time.

Or maybe baseball is what I’d play.

Like outfielders Dave Justice

Or Ken Griffey, Jr.,

Throwing the runner

Out at the plate.

Or hey !!

Running sounds great.

I’d like to be

Like Carl Lewis,

Jumping my way to victory.

But I think I’d settle

For the simpler things,

Like running down the road,

Jumping over fences,

Or even climbing trees.

Or maybe one more race

Against my cousins would be neat.

Running back and forth

And back and forth,

Never knowing when I’ll be beat.

The simple pleasures

In life are P.H.A.T.

It’s pretty cool

Others can do all that.

In this state, however, I am in,

Therefore, will I be more than content.

It’s a fact, because I have friends like you.

And a Lord

Who is just and Who is true.

In struggles it’s hard sometimes.

Yet through it all I know

That the Lord is right by my side.

And thank the Lord

You’re there also.

If I had one wish to make

What would I do?

Beyond a shadow of a doubt,

I would wish to make it clear,

That, in Christ, as a brother,

I love and thank you my friend.

In Christ for eternity,

Marcus Twisdale (MR.T.)

Phil. 4:11

How Great is Thy Grace!

How Great is

Thy Grace

How great is thy grace, O Lord

That it would sustain my soul?

Bringing life and joy to this Thy vessel

With blessings so rich and full.

If I Your servant could describe

The immensity of Your touch

I fear that I would deceive myself

And would, as a fool, not assume enough.

For Thy grace defies explanation

It’s far more than a simple comprehension.

There’s majesty in that act of Yours.

Much more than comes to my attention.

I speak as a man, for I am just that

Though saved by the love of my Lord.

By His sovereign act and choice of life

I am placed with Him in one accord.

Through the pain and suffering this present life can bring,

Thy grace does keep me strong.

Though frustrated with imperfection in this world

I am kept safe and secured to carry on.

Your grace holds the strength needed in the opportunity

To serve and please the One I love.

By living with peace surpassing all understanding

And relying upon hope

I am convinced with exceeding joy

That I’ll soon see the Lord of all Who sits upon the throne above.

Though the grace of God cannot be fully realized.

I do know what I’ve been taught.

Though it is not fully understood, it remains a fact

Grace is what God hath wrought.

Marcus Twisdale,


Swing To Me!

Swing To Me

The sun is setting

Swing, that’s what I’ll do.

I’ll swing to heaven and be with You;

Swinging high, touching the sky,

Singing “Holy, holy, holy,”

I’ll stand by Your side.

No fears nor worries, trials or troubles;

With peace surrounding I’ll rest in you.

Finally running into You with arms spread wide

I’ll walk with Him Who’s faithful and true.

What an awesome sound I will hear

When Jesus calls out my name, saying,

“Well done my faithful servant.”

No experience will ever be the same.

Swing, I cannot, to the heavens above,

But on earth I can serve Him now.

With limbs so weak and a heart no stronger

I’ll glorify Him Who’s so much bigger.

A fact of eternity that will be

When in Life it is my Author I’ll see.

Working in and through this vessel of clay

To bless my Lord’s heart and see the fruit one day.

So for now, I’ll wait in this time to soon pass.

I’ll sway in my swing which is among the grass.

And for now to Jesus I will cling

And in Him will I wait and serve as I sway in my swing.

Because of Christ,

Marcus Twisdale

Matt. 11:28-29

The Lord is Here!

The Lord is Here
Exodus 33:14

We make ourselves anxious of what the future will soon be.
We think not upon the truth but that which we cannot see.
Our minds are distracted and entangled in misery
Because we focus not on the promises of Scripture but fear only possibilities.

Trusting this world to lend a helping hand has always led us to despair
With confidence blinding the eyes of discernment showing only thin air.
Tears of distress flow down a solemn face presenting a spirit of little care
Trying to find a ray of hope, all too often forgetting the Lord is here.

Struggles persist as we hunt for an answer to satisfy our selfish desires,
One that will bring a spark to the eyes, put a smile on the face and show the blue skies.
Lo, comfort remains all but within reach as into the abyss we peer,
Seeing only the storms that continue in life and everyday forgetting the Lord is here.

Could it be in spite of the trials we face our God would have a plan?
Whether our trouble is for a time or designed to dwell with us till the day we die
Much will never be answered nor amended because of what we hold so dear.
We must endure our errors as we keep forgetting our faithful Lord is here.

May we recognize during times of tribulation as the impossible seems to overwhelm us
The hardships we encounter and the trials we face exist to show God’s power.
As a power far greater than our own it is stronger than all of our fears.
That everlasting power is greatly neglected as we take for granted our awesome Lord is here.

My friend, may we persevere by the Spirit within as trials are bestowed upon us.
Don’t walk out on Him Who came to live within but yield, claiming victory through Christ.
So, let us forget not while facing trials God’s grace will always provide.
Never failing but guiding step by step He’ll remain forever by our side.

Serving always the King of kings,
Marcus Twisdale